Who we are
We are building a strong community of women who are entrepreneurs in life and soul.
Surround yourself with like-minded women who understand what you want and need,
so we can make you flourish!
BWFR was founded by Osnat Peled, a former Israeli who relocated to Romania in 2005.
Osnat, a real soul-driven entrepreneur, has 25 years of practical business experience through several companies she has owned & managed successfully during the years.
She currently serves as the Managing Partner at EVO MCBA, a multinational social media tech/digital marketing company and as the board member at Mentor Capital & Business Advisory Ltd, as well.
Her financial know-how, combined with an international financiers & investors network and a practical view on business management, have led her in launching and leading BWFR.
She began as a consultant in the Ministry of Economy in Israel, through a special division which was created to provide tools for entrepreneurs on their starting point and also for active businesses.
In the private sector business arena, Osnat has advised companies both in Israel and Romania from various domains, such as: high tech, hospitality, health, real estate, retail and more.
Combining her thorough entrepreneurial background, along with the financial expertise (private investment and project finance) has served her well, towards her current position within the private investment team of MCBA (Mentor Capital & Business Advisory).
Her daily challenges are built with a view of optimizing companies, developing and implementing greater strategies and empower synergies for better performance, holding her last mandate as a managing partner at EVO MCBA - social media management and brand reputation company.
Osnat holds a great belief in women’s endorsement and the importance of dedicating and promoting women from any management position, entrepreneurs, business owners, NGO leaders, corporate managers, as well as any ambitious women who wish to increase their business activity, promote themselves, enlarge their network and progress their know-how, by having inspiration from other successful businesses and women from all kinds of sectors. This belief has led her to establish the non-profit organization - Business Women Forum Romania, that targets all the goals above. BWFR is the leading businesswomen community in Romania, with more than 5,000 registered members.

"I am a great believer in sharing ideas, thoughts, and strategies. 25 years ago I was actively participating in a businesswomen's forum community in Israel.
I was a young entrepreneur, having a startup company, with no contacts, no network at all, only a great vision to change the world… during one of the conferences, I met an older businesswoman and we started to talk.
We found so many common things to talk about and she decided to help me. She recommended my services to a friend of hers who actually became my first client. Only then I learned the power of what networking is, as well as how important it is also to help other entrepreneurs in their first steps.
Through BWFR, I hope to share this vision with more women, to bring more businesswomen into this circle and combine it as well with gathering and giving know-how from other women.
I never stopped learning from other people, I aim to keep on learning and get inspired as well.
I believe in women's power and wish to help more women in achieving success, by creating strong networks and exposing them to essential know-how."
"I challenge you to join my journey, build your network with us, inspire us and get inspired by other women."

"Throughout my journey, I learned that "the more I give, the more I get and decided this will be my way of life. I share all my business "secrets” and tools, as I believe (and validated this already) that the gain will be much higher than that..."
Osnat Peled (founder)
Advisory Board
BWFR leadership Program Managers

Senior HR Manager

Ana Maria
Country manager

Self-Mastery & Leadership Coach and Author