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3 important tips for preparing your business for the holiday period

„Have a Holy Joly Christmas, it’s the best time of the year”... they say. But is it the best time for your business, too?

We all love the winter holidays, it’s a great time to come together (online, cause of physical distance rules), and become a better, kinder version of ourselves. But the festive season can also come with a bonus, becoming if not profitable, then at least an opportunity to reach out to customers.

Overall, holiday sales represent about 20 to even 60% percent of annual sales each year! To make sure you’ll grasp the opportunity, we gathered 3 hot tips, while you prepare your business for the coming holidays:

Getting festive- Let newsletters & social media do the trick!

It’s the season of giving back! So what better option to get engagement going on your social media, other than a holiday promo?

Our tip 1#: Make use of the newsletters! They are quite often the life force of your email marketing and they can be used to motivate your customers to, first of all, remind them you are „alive and kicking”, take action, to buy something in a good discounts/offer, or simply check out your latest blog post.

Get creative and take advantage of the amazing winter holiday themes to catch your clients’ attention and to warm their hearts. If you do not have an organized database, holiday time is the best period to build that. Your newsletters have to look great, be catchy, and offer real news to your followers and clients. Offering real value to the reader should lead you while you create it (by the way – do you like our newsletters? Share with us your feedback! )

Our tip 2#: Invest time and creativity in your social media. It’s a great time to check what’s missing from your page and update it and share it daily, to increase engagement with clients, even during holidays.

You can also combine the two – promote and boost some selected posts on your social media directly to your newsletter target audience. You can also retarget those who opened the newsletter with a special offer, to remind them exactly what they saw and offer an immediate CTA (call to action). The opportunities are requires your care, attention, and creativity!

Our tip # 3 - When to start? The sooner, the better. Start today and don't wait for the last minute, as many people are already in the holiday spirit, and the competition both on Newsletters attention and social media promo will grow the closer your get to the actual holiday!

Greet forgotten clients - it’s a good way to remind them you exist

Do you remember last year’s Christmas party? All the events and networking... we don’t have them this year, unfortunately. Not in the way we used to, anyway. But here is where the magic happens: we can greet and talk to anybody, online or by phone!

Get in touch with your long-lost clients, with your prospects, your employees, and friends. Show them you care, you remember them, and be empathetic about their situation. This is not about selling. It is about being human and build a long-lasting relationship with current and lose clients. Networking works best when it comes with passion and willingness to change.

Prepare your cashflow

Let’s face it: joy and happiness are on their way but also a drop in your income, as many clients are on vacation and prospects will come not sooner than January or even February.

For many companies, this year has been super challenging and the holiday period also brings delays. Getting ready with your financial costs and incomes will reduce stress

Our tip: Prepare your cash flow for the critical 2 weeks: 20.12- 5.11, when the income will probably drop.

And don't forget – take a break, relax, enjoy the Holidays and get ready for a better year to come - bye-bye, 2020, and welcome 2021, we are ready for an amazing year to start!

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Bulevardul Dimitrie Pompeiu 8, Bucharest – 020335

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