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Lean in Circles is a tailor-made peer-to-peer empowering program, having a supporting group working frame, that was successfully implemented within Vodafone in other countries.

It is a joint-venture program that we are doing together with Vodafone Romania, being inspired, designed and based on the lean in global initiative, that encourages women to pursue their ambitions, moving the conversation from what a person cannot do, to what they can do.
Organized in 8 meetings (circles) and structured into monthly meetings series, the program encourages the development of non-technical (soft) skills, supporting each participant to evolve at their own pace and addresses topics such as those related to strengths and unidentified capabilities, personal branding, the balance between personal and professional life and adaptability.

The circles consist of small groups of women who meet regularly,
in order to learn new skills, network, and encourage each other.

The circles are done in the following steps:

  • A kick-off meeting; 

  • A personal strengths test completed by each participant;

  • 1 on 1 meeting with the circle coach for a strength analysis test;

  • 6 LEAN IN  circle meetings with up to 20 participants 

  • Closing meeting.

The program is sponsored 100% by Vodafone Romania and is offered at no fee for the selected 10 BWFR members 

The deadline to submit the application is CLOSED NOW - follow up for future openings. 

Can I join?

The program is limited to 10 participants (BWFR members)! 

Eligible members are as follows:
  • Small and medium company owners; 
  • Manager in SME's
  • Managers /owners of an NGO
Sorry ! Applications are closed!

The Lean In Circles targets are:

  • Creating a supportive closed group, for a period of 3 months, where every woman can share her thoughts, feelings and advise other women to tackle different work-life situations; 


  • Stimulating and encouraging each participant’s personal growth;

  • Developing skills, values and ideas that trigger growth on all levels. 

Lean In Circles values: 

We experience important values that we will be upholding in every circle:

1. Sharing - encouraging every participant to share her ideas, challenges and remain open to hear other participants’ feedback;


2. Positivity - keeping a positive atmosphere that allows the participants to open up and share their ideas; 

3.  Ideas - every idea is important and can stimulate others’ creativity, inside the circle;

4. Fun - we encounter fun and practical experiences as key factors for the success of the circles and the learning process; 

5. Trust - confidentiality and trust will be kept both by the coach and by all the other participants in the circles.

Why should I join?

  • To increase knowledge and optimize my non-technical (soft) skills;  

  • To become bold & confident, to vocalize my worth & set myself up for the opportunities;

  • To be my authentic self & enable others to work with their best strengths as individuals;  

  • To use my expertise & experiences to help other to lean in to their careers & to my own career development; 

  • To be able to share openly in a safe & confidential space & get support; 

  • To be part of a great circle. 


  • KICKOFF meeting

  •  -  strength tests 1:1 analysis, 20 meetings

  • CIRCLE #1 - The lean-In circle + Simple techniques to achieve your goals.

  •  CIRCLE #2 - Active Listening & Emotional Intelligence

  •  CIRCLE #3 - Change management & personal adaptability

  • CIRCLE #4 - Building connections & networking

  •  CIRCLE #5 - Personal Self Branding

  •  CIRCLE #6 - How to pitch your vision

  •  Closing meeting+ “what’s next” plan

Osnat Peled  - BWFR founder

Osnat Peled

Have any questions?


Vodafone Romania Globalworth Tower

PR & Events Manager: 

Contact BWFR:

Globalworth Campus A
Bulevardul Dimitrie Pompeiu 8, Bucharest – 020335

Call us:  +40-31 630 15 99 - ext. 0 

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