
Liat Wechsler - Business Development at Datsa Textil SRL
Alumni- BWFR Leadership Program 2019-2020
"I am so proud to be a part of this amazing program As I started and finished with totally different perspective about leadership in general and about myself. During the year we had wonderful workshops in which we learned about leadership, growth communication crisis management and much more. The professional speakers that were chosen for each meeting shared their knowledge and open new possibilities for a for all of us.
We received many tools during those meeting which we can use always to improve our self and our leadership style, managing our business our team and more. Being a woman coming from the textile industry have to say bravo for the amazing team of women that took care of the program to continue even n difficult and challenging times So to conclude no matter if you know a lot about management or you know nothing about this program will help you grow inside and out highly recommend being a part of BWFR community and the leadership program especially Thank you all the team for this amazing year!"

lulia Crasmariu - HR Manager at Ausy Technologies Romania Alumni- BWFR
Leadership Program 2019-2020
"The demands on organizations for effective leadership have never been higher As a leadership program BWFRs approach provides an excellent foundation for establishing a strategic leadership development plan The program is designed for people who want to contribute to their organization's purpose long term success and continuous growth. Participants have different industry and backgrounds and come from different cultural contexts. Together they can gain a common understanding of the challenge of leadership and explore tools and techniques including assessments simulations deep skill practice, coaching and to do activities. Thank you for your involvement and readiness to share your knowledge!"

Corina Agarici - Delivery Manager for Compliance at Deutsche Bank Technology Center
Alumni - BWFR Leadership Program 2018-2019
"It was such an amazing experience found this journey to be motivational inspirational The benefits to me are the content valuable new contacts each a sphere of knowledge in her domain eye-opening and great presentations You brought different women together in the safe space gave us the chance to boost confidence in our roles and to help each other as an inspirational source to grow."

Rodica Gheorghita - Branch Manager at Garanti Bank
Alumni - BWFR Leadership Program 2018-2019
"Participating in the BWFR Leadership program allowed me to experience the atmosphere of
excellent presenter's, I could feel the interaction exchange of ideas and experience with other participants from different industries.
I managed to understand more about myself identified my strengths and weaknesses and learn how to be more adaptable it helped me to have better perspective of my company and even more important to have better understanding of my clients.
Some modules have changed my perception of the business world and some allowed me to expand and gave structure to my previous knowledge and experience Growing a network is not limited to simply expanding my professional network but established truly valuable elations and friendships. Oh yes, and a lot of fun was involved along.
the way. The outcome of this mix of ingredients is an increased self-confidence and an
unlocked stream of new opportunities and it's only the beginning,
I feel fully confident to honestly recommend leadership program."

Cora Florea - Supply Chain Manager at McDonald's Alumni
BWFR Leadership Program 2018-2019
"Being part of the Leadership program in 2018-2019 brought a lot of inspiration Each and every facilitator was speaking both from the mind and from the heart and believe that this is what makes this program so special The inspiration got is not only for the professional life but also at persona eve read a lot of wonderful books recommended by the speakers in order to complete the education The mentor-ship which is at the end of the program brought a challenge being the first time am doing this hope it will be a success strongly recommend this program Thank you BWFR and Osnat for this opportunity."

Adriana Preda - Executive Director at The Social Incubator
Alumni- BWFR Leadership Program 2018-2019
"Enrolling in the BWFR Leadership Program was a decisive moment for me This leaning program developed me both in my personal and professional future and have the feeling of belonging in such a great community was amazed by the quality of the curriculum by the extremely high level of professionalism of the speakers and of course by the dedication and passion of the team in their journey to bring love change and faith, Even a friend and collaborator of mine told me that have a completely different approach to work related issues and this is because of what learned in this program Of course she wants now to enroll for the next year and feel the change am deeply grateful for having this opportunity and getting to know so many valuable people This was truly an amazing experience."

Elena Badea - Managing Director, Valoria Business Solutions
Speaker - POWER leadership program 2017-2018
"For me it has been a privilege to be invited to speak at the BWFR Leadership Program The potential of women entrepreneurship is still untapped in Romania as well as that of the women leadership dimension My values are Leadership Learning Passion. That is why totally resonate with this initiative of a handful of courageous women determined to raise the leadership profile of women entrepreneurs The high quality of the speakers invited the diversity of their business experience and backgrounds gives a lot of edge to this program | have talked to the participants and noticed that they felt enriched and transformed by this experience, It is so important that the BWFR Leadership Program will continue to bring value and inspiration to many other businesswomen from Romania."

Basav Ray Chaudhuri - Coach. Leadership Development & Organizational Transformation
Speaker - BWFR leadership program 2017-2018
"BWFR'S idea of a leadership development program is timely and very useful and was honoured to be asked to contribute to the process by facilitating one of the workshops During the workshop found the audience sharp, engaged and willing to challenge while at the same time being very receptive to new ideas The pan to disseminate the learnings from the workshop series to the broader membership by the attendees makes it a very credible and powerful program nedeed wish BWFR and its members the best and it is truly a pleasure and a privilege to be associated with this wonderful organization."

Mihaela Tudor - Owner "Tudor Communication" Alumni
BWFR Leadership Program 2017-2018
"I've been an entrepreneur for years My biggest challenge was not finding clients and growing my business and my brand No But to manage my colleagues my partners better To become a better leader Because people are the most important asset When I've heard about the program live jumped into the occasion because trust Osnat And I was not wrong Amazing!
Journey, amazing ladies The program helped me to trust even more my instincts to focus on
the personal interaction between the members of the team and me and to learn when to let go and where to set boundaries."

Monica Platon - Senior manager software company
Alumni- BWFR leadership program 2017-2018
"I am proud to have been part of the first series of leadership program launched by BWFR last year. I'm glad I was able to participate in all the modules because every speaker in the program was special, each meeting was an opportunity to discover something new on the journey to become a better professional and especially a better human. The organization of this program was excellent.
Many thanks to BWFR for selecting me for this program, thank you, speakers, for the wonderful experiences, and last but not least, many thanks to the colleagues with whom I shared life stories and professional experiences - it was a delight to meet you."

Delia Daniu - Owner - Sales Hub
Alumni - BWFR leadership program 2017-2018
"Being a part of BWFR Leadership Program was a great experience for me bringing lots of insights both in the business and also personal development Having the opportunity to meet great speakers and learning from their vast experience was a great plus especially that they were very open to answer to very specific questions to each and
one of us
Clear methods great examples from experience (not only theory and awesome people!."

Raluca Culda - Owner HR company - Zoom HR - Cluj-Napoca
Alumni - BWFR leadership program 2017-2018
"Enrolled in the BWFR Leadership program when I was looking for a business program that
would help me get ahead in my business I've started my own company 2 years before and I reached one of those growth ceiling entrepreneurs have in their career What found in the program was much more than expected. The mentors. business owners trainers and program colleagues I've met during the g months workshops were of the highest quality a young entrepreneur could wish to have and learn from I attended every workshop with an open heart and mind and am very grateful for the opportunity if i would have to choose one major benefit out of many that came from taking this program is extending my business and moving to Bucharest.
One of the best things in this program is the 3 months mentorship we have do to My mentor was chosen for me and it is a perfect match From the first meeting I realized that this is an opportunity for both me and my mentee to grow. To give you a glimpse of the work we've done so far we've clarified the vision for my mentees she has a financial plan for cash flow, pricing and working with suppliers She has registered with i important entrepreneurs organization for mothers and she's promoting her products through them She has at least 50% more clients than she had last year during this time, so she has a plan to hire her first employee Also we had some coaching over the value of her products and their importance for her customers, so she has a better pricing strategy and product focus so she is developing a niche of customers It has been an incredible 3 months journey and we will not stop here Out of this project I discovered love mentoring young entrepreneurs so I am creating a program just for that."

Mia Scarlat (NGO - Mia's Children)
Mentee BWFR Mentoring Program 2017-2018
"It is a great honor for me to be part from this incredible women organisation created to meet the needs of business women to make a better understanding for those who want to make a difference in the mentality and activity at the time standards.
Really appreciate the way you involved me and Mia's Children Association in the Mentoring Program, in the middle of your social attention, doing a very special Gala presentation and the donations for our needs in this way with your support we could renovated the place of our kitchen and the dinner room where about 45 children in needs are serving everyday the three hot meals It become a lovely place, sanitary, lightly and lovely You are welcome to come and visit it anytime We still need to change the furniture inside as the number of children were increased but the place will welcome you at the moment you want to come and see it Please,
receive all our thanks and transmit to your strong organization about the miracle from Mia's Children kitchen and dining room! In the same time, I really want to appreciate and thank to Gabriela Doina Stanciu the mentor had for three months Professionally, with a leader and a friend abilities she adapted at my capacity of work and understand a Mentoring Program Each meeting was a really lesson of learning for me She listened my experience in the field and then with her great experience in mentoring and fundraising she helped to make a Fundraising Program adapted at our needs She had help to organised our data base with contacts and potential donors according with the template mutually agreed She also fixed meetings with Andrea Bunea, organization's person to present the fundraising plan We also discus about Bucharest Marathon like a possibility for fundraising Gabriela Doina Stanciu suggested that Mia's Children Association needs a full time resource to can move forward with our communications and fundraising plan for a better image and activity in our future.
I express my appreciation for this Program created by the President Osnat Peled for her clear approach regarding our activity also appreciate the mentor Gabriela Stanciu for the way she mentored and for the activity we could develop together it is fruitful for my activity for a better and more clear vision for future regarding the needs and experience I want to also thank EWER members, the ladies who came to visit and encourage me personally and constantly appreciate the children.
I am looking forward to receive support to have friends, mentors among such a wonderful community as BWFR is Thank you."

Anca Dumitrescu - Autism Voice President (NGO)
Mentee - BWFR Mentoring Program 2017-2018
"I want to thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the mentoring program n the last 3 months' gained abilities that already show their results within Autism Voice I know now that organizations that invest in leadership development perform better than those that don't you never know what you might learn about yourself or your business until you get away from it New perspectives are priceless I just applied for the leadership program and hope will be accepted. All the best."

Florentina Dosan - Executive Housekeeper at Crowne Plaza
Bucharest Hotel Alumni- BWFR Leadership Program 2018-2019
"Attending meetings of this group helped me to understand that the fears, blockages worries aspirations difficulties have encountered over the time are not only mine, like me there are many other women but only staying together and walking in the same direction we find solutions to solve the difficulties encountered along the way Leadership is not just about inspiring others but especially about learning from others Working with good intention and in good collaboration at the difficulties are easier to pass because where the team is united, the goal is easier to be reached."

Mihaela lorga - Senior manager - Genpact
Alumni - BWFR leadership program 2017-2018
"Enrolling in the program was the best professional decision that took in 2017 Through the program l have interacted with so many great professionals from the speakers to the participants and the program team have met so many great ladies in this year that impressed and touched me with their will and desire to improve themselves Participating in the monthly workshops was like a breath of fresh air strongly recommend it to any profession who is looking to learn, expand her social network and see the power women have whenever they are all driven by the same goal and have the support of a community."

Cristina Moraru - Owner JoyPrint
Alumni - BWFR Leadership Program 2017-2018
"A meaningful and revealing journey These words capture the essence of what I learned and felt about me and my business these weeks
T have learned that doing passionately, responsibly with vision and creativity what you like is called entrepreneurial leadership. I learned that fighting for the things I care and love made me wiser and open-minded and
helped me in managing people and situations accepted that being hard working, fast learner challenge over is a good thing and defines in
what way and how respond to daily challenges have also discovered that the advantages of being a woman are undeniable and the life stories
of the wonderful ladies with whom I have attended this course have confirmed that being
strong powerful and a survivor is the aptitude of any modern woman Also working on yourself overcoming the challenges of the past and grown into a stronger and happier ME
in order to become the kind of person who can accomplish their dreams is not so difficult So what I gain? The understanding of the beautiful experience of a life time. The beauty of
Truly amazing. A last thought we are all sellers and leaders at the same time The explosion of groups gather and circles of interest means that anyone who wants to make a change can do it
Without leaders there are no disciples
Without leaders there is no change Be the next leader take the change and join the leadership course I'm expecting you to be part of those who are generating movement."