We are running all day - clients, work, home, friends, children....
Stress is something that many of us got used to live with.
So, we take a vacation, read a book or go to a massage... but stress may join us in there as well!
Is there a gateway ?!
How to live with stress? What are the keys to relax?
Our special BE club brings the best spiritual teachers & methods, so you can choose the right “key “for you.
We will have short workshops from different types of relaxation classes, in short session (20 minutes each) so you can find out which one is the right one for you!
Program & workshops :
17:45 Networking over a relaxing tea
18:00 Anti stress lets relax workshops and SURPRISE!
Beyond stress through Presence, Breathing and Awareness - Elena Francisc-Turcanu
Relax your mind. Move your body! - Cristina Lotru
A surprise workshop!
20:30-21:00 Spiritual networking session
Dress code: Come with your Romanian blouse!
Cozy, light, short (Classes are without shoes)
BE Club - personal development workshop & networking
Femininity Coach
Founder of Centrul Călătoria Inimii